

Fuse Screenshot

Goodbye, Fuse!

Unfortunately NIST team decided to restrict Fuse to use their server. Which means Fuse can’t work anymore. Hence, I have no option but to shut the app down

The Journey

It all started with a simple observation. My cousin, a student at NIST College, constantly struggled with accessing his attendance and bus timings. The outdated NIST portal was a daily hassle. Inspired by his frustration, I decided to build Fuse, a mobile app designed to solve these problems.

The Process

Understanding the System

I began by exploring the NIST campus server to understand how data was stored and accessed. This helped me design the necessary APIs.

Building the APIs

Creating robust APIs involved a lot of trial and error, but eventually, I succeeded. These APIs now ensure real-time data access for students.

Designing the UI

Next, I focused on the user interface. I aimed for a clean, intuitive design, constantly seeking feedback from my brother and his friends.

Launching Fuse

After three weeks of hard work and numerous iterations, Fuse was ready. We launched it on the Play Store on March 22, 2023. The initial feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

The Impact

Since its launch, Fuse has transformed the daily routines of NIST students. No more outdated browsers or clunky interfaces—just easy access to essential information. With over 500 users, Fuse has simplified life for NIST students, allowing them to focus more on their studies and less on technical hassles.


  • View your attendance record for each class
  • Get real-time updates on bus schedules and timings
  • Maintain a minimum attendance percentage
  • Receive notifications for important announcements and events at NIST
  • Customize your app settings to fit your preferences


“At least someone showed up with a great innovation.” ~ Manab Behera

“Right now I feel safe and more free to access my Attendance and Bus Schedule 😎.” ~ Subrata Sahu

“Superb app.” ~ Amit Sahu